Monday, September 9, 2013

I Cute

Artist Statement:

For my YouTube mixer, I wanted to create  something that was simple in appearance and subject matter.  I enjoy making cute characters and wanted to incorporate that into my project.  My inspiration also came from my three year old brother who loves to create music.  He was playing with one of his toy cars that honked and screeching of its tires.  I thought, "Wow, what other sounds does his toys make?"  From there, we played together making some funky music, which lead to the creation of my mixer.  The theme is supposed to be very childish, which is why most of the colors are either pastel or primary.  The sounds are from children's toys, like a toy car or the children's instruments that make the sounds for kids.  Children's toys are meant to be simple so they're able to develop their motor skills, while having fun listening to music.

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